
The founder's publications 

Bloc text


For a new teacher generation of quality in La Presse, 9 September 2015



Carrying school at arm's length in Le Devoir, 27 June 2019

Interview to listen to beforehand: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/gravel-le-matin/segments/entrevue/121570/transfert-ecoles-anglophones-francophones-jean-francois-roberge-ministre-education




Teachers, those docile cows in La Presse of 9 October 2019



Boys at women's school in La Presse on 3 November 2019

This article is intended as a reply to this article: https://www.ledevoir.com/opinion/chroniques/564072/le-meilleur-des-mondes?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1HAT8i7XELkCR2bDSNA8HXIoa6IWjYfDG_h1YdFQ-aaRQ_Resw22cFGmg_aem_Ael5HnpgoHaL6cJM5iXQerFX_EGWWBqrv1e3hjUAo0ZAqXasD7OwonzOJRR-13aEYuZLROB1rR758s1TxCKXe3KC



Protecting female teachers' autonomy in La Presse of 24 November 2019



Collective refusal in full cooperation in La Presse, 23 February 2020

Reflection on the word "collaboration" used in all sorts of ways in school micromanagement and at the Ministry of Education (ministère de l’Éducation)



Joyce Echaquan's lesson in La Presse, 12 October 2020



Breaking the Barriers

(Counter) reports on the pandemic - Letters to future generations


“The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are.” Cicero

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle

Her text "Can denunciation be civic?" can be found on pages 121, 122 and 123. Turn to page 413 to read her biography.



Screams and quakes at school in Libre Média on 2 May 2023



School is not a nursery for success in Libre Média on 30 November 2023

A text denouncing the fraudulent use of words in schools.



French must once again become a language of freedom in Libre Média on 12 March 2024



Digital universe: the new battlefields of education in Libre Média on May 22, 2024

As a high school French teacher with 30 years' experience on two continents (Belgium, Quebec and Mexico for two months), I advocate an educational rather than a restrictive approach to the use of smartphones and social networks in schools. My experience demonstrates the pedagogical benefits of social networking to enrich learning, improve reading and writing skills and encourage cooperation between students. Rather than imposing restrictions, it's crucial to guide young people towards responsible and enriching use of these digital tools, while preserving the democratic values and intellectual freedom inspired by Athenian education.



No to simplified spelling in Libre Média on May 31, 2024

The simplification of French spelling, as proposed by the EROFA group, runs the risk of intellectually devaluing learners by weakening the richness and precision of the language. As a teacher, I defend the importance of complex rules that preserve our linguistic heritage and guarantee clear expression. Simplification is a race to the bottom, disconnecting speakers from their historical roots and accentuating social discrimination. Education must reinforce solid skills, not take the easy way out.



Police salaries: does Quebec prefer security to education? in Libre Média on 12 July 2024

This article highlights the disparity in pay rises between police officers and teachers in Quebec. It questions society's values and priorities. It highlights the undervaluing of the education profession and its consequences for the future.



Today's schools between decline and witch-hunt in Libre Média on the 21st of October 2024

This article, published in its unabridged version, deplores the devaluation of the teacher, who has been reduced to a mere coach, in contrast to the ideal of the Age of Enlightenment. It criticises the situation in Quebec, where Bill 23 and the media are creating a ‘witch-hunt’ against teachers, often before there is any evidence of guilt. Drawing on my experience as a Belgian teacher in Quebec, I call for the re-establishment of pedagogical authority and the cultivation of critical thinking. I advocate an ethic of presumption of innocence to restore the nobility of teaching.



Modern pedagogy at the heart of ideological chaos and a witch-hunt in Le Devoir on the 23rd of October 2024

The noble mission of the teacher, inherited from the Enlightenment, is now being undermined by a systemic devaluation in which the teacher becomes a mere coach, deprived of their authority as an expert. In the face of modern challenges and Bill 23 in Quebec, the challenge is to rekindle the flame of knowledge in a world that favours the instantaneous, while preserving teachers' presumption of innocence in the face of hasty accusations.



French is not an ideological weapon in Libre Média on the 24th of October 2024

In this article, I defend the traditional grammatical rules of French, explaining that the pre-eminence of the masculine is the result of historical simplification and not sexism. I also criticise inclusive writing and the forced feminisation of professions, preferring to focus on teaching French and equal pay for women.



The bleak future of education in Libre Média, 21 January 2025

In a meditation on La Peau de chagrin, I denounce the commodification of education and the desertion of qualified teachers, the consequences of a system devoted to illusory success. I oppose the impoverishing standardisation of knowledge, defend critical thinking, and point out that emancipation depends on a mastery of language and thought.

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