French as a mother tongue courses
Why should French speakers (re)learn how to write and speak French?
Having a good command of one's mother tongue means knowing oneself better; it means being in harmony with oneself and others; it means bringing humanity into one's actions.
Learning one's mother tongue well is a way to make the world a better place.
Why should French speakers (re)learn how to write and speak French?
Before answering this question, let me share with you this experience with very nice conclusions.
In 1967, the Anglo-American philosopher Philippa Foot invented a thought experiment known as the trolley problem. Imagine an out-of-control tram speeding along a rail, with the driver completely out of control. A few metres away, you look at the scene: five people are working on the track and would be killed by the impact. Suddenly, you consider a lever that would allow you to divert the tram from its mad course onto a side track where only one person is working on the track. What do you choose to do? If from a utilitarian point of view it is moral to sacrifice one person to spare the lives of five; for others, there is no moral justification for harming anyone's physical integrity. This test and its variants showed an interesting observation depending on the language chosen to present the crazy tram dilemma. When the problem was presented to them in a language other than their own, 50% of the subjects were willing to choose the most utilitarian decision, compared with 20% of those presented with the test in their mother tongue. This difference can be explained by the fact that our mother tongue brings us closer to our emotions, which shows that we are morally dependent on the language in which we think, dream and construct the world.
The Quebec Alloprof website answers this question brilliantly.
- To share emotions as Philippa Foot's experience shows;
- To promote academic success;
- To give freedom of choice;
- To increase the person’s credibility;
- To fill up on culture;
- To combat semantic shifts.
Having a good command of one's mother tongue means knowing oneself better; it means being in harmony with oneself and others; it means bringing humanity into one's actions.
Learning one's mother tongue well is a way to make the world a better place.
The Orthodidact website presents the list of skills expected of a French-speaking worker:
- Express themselves clearly in correct French;
- Construct grammatically correct and meaningful sentences;
- Master and apply the rules of the language;
- Expressing ideas and arguments in texts of varying length.
Everyone makes mistakes when writing... Why?
Because the French language is difficult to master.
Because written exchanges are getting faster and faster.
Because, in a professional setting, you write under pressure.
However, spelling mistakes are stigmatizing. Linguistic errors are associated with:
- Gaps, lack of knowledge;
- A cognitive deficit;
- A lack of legitimacy to speak out;
- A lack of care, a lack of respect, a lack of seriousness;
- A lack of competence in other areas;
- Misunderstanding in the interaction.
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The Belgian and Quebec school systems hold no secrets for us. And French, very little!